Climacium dendroides, or Tree Moss, is one of the largest mosses found in North America. Often found in dense stands, it is also one of the most attractive mosses when wet.
April 24, 2010
April 18, 2010
Seedless Plants
I recently added an index of seedless plants to the database of plants on Plants of the Northeastern U.S. This is intended to make it easier to find pages related to ferns, horsetails, clubmosses, mosses, and liverworts. There are still quite a few mosses to be added, including Bryum argenteum (below).
This species is easily identified as it grows in very short, dense colonies and has a silvery overall appearance. It is common in dry, open areas like driveways and sidewalks.
April 15, 2010
Chara gametangia
Earlier this spring I collected some samples of algae for my botany class to observe and managed a small sample of Chara, also known as muskgrass, to put in the lab. It has been growing well with frequent water changes and has developed lots of the reproductive structures called gametangia (structures that produce gametes, or sperm and eggs). The type of gametangia that produce sperm are called antheridia and are seen as the bright orange structures in image below.
And here is a closeup of an antheridium
Somewhat less abundant are the oogonia, where eggs are produced and where fertilization takes place. The oogonia on this particular specimen have an interesting twist to them, although I do not know if this is typical of all Chara spp. or just this one.
April 11, 2010
Moss Antheridia
This is a closeup of a moss shoot tip bearing a slash cup filled with antheridia (male reproductive structures). The function of the splash cup is to use the momentum of rain drops to disperse the sperm contained within the antheridia.
And here is a closeup of the interior of the splash cup.
April 10, 2010
Red Maples in Bloom
One of the more attractive trees in flower now in central NY is red maple (Acer rubrum). It is common in acid woodlands and swamps and has perfect flowers that range from yellow to red.